our homes

Stepping Stones operates several homes in Huntsville, dedicated to promoting recovery and community through peer support. Our goal is to provide a built-in network of persons engaged in a lifestyle that promotes sobriety.
Furthermore, Stepping Stones connects residents with resources proven to sustain long-term abstinence, often referred to as recovery capital. This includes job placement, transportation, food support, access to mental health care, and social support with like-minded friends.

Each home has weekly meetings including a house business meeting where practical issues are discussed such as chores and any behavior that may be disruptive to the house. Additionally, there are two recovery-oriented meetings including a 12-Step group and a literature study. These recovery meetings are open to all same-sex houses and residents are encouraged to invite their sponsors. This is also a forum where alumni often visit and give their stories or offer to sponsor a newcomer. When you join Stepping Stones, you are becoming part of a large recovery network. By design our homes are warm, welcoming and safe, nurturing our recovery family. The relationships that are formed are strong and often continue after residents leave Stepping Stones.
We place great emphasis on the concept of group accountability. It is at the core of our model as it both fosters personal responsibility and allows the house to function orderly. Our recovery homes foster independence – house expenses in the form of “rent” are paid by residents. This covers utilities, drug testing, and the housing itself.
Each home is fully furnished with appliances, an equipped kitchen, washer and drier on site, high speed internet, TV, and pest control.
If you are interested in having a Stepping Stones representative visit your organization, please press the “apply now” button below or contact us at 931-639-7191.