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Our mission is to provide safe, supportive sober living communities for those in recovery.

our model

Our Model

Although our origins are in the tradition of Oxford House, we evolved as our residents needed more support than a strictly peer-run recovery organization could provide. Thus we organized as an independent 501c3 in 2012 with a mission to provide services to those recovering from substance abuse especially in the areas of housing, employment, transportation, and peer-led counseling. 

Stepping Stones staff work closely with new residents and support the needs of all housing units. We rely heavily on peer support specialists – these are persons who are recovering themselves and have been through training on drug tests, leading groups, and connecting residents to local resources. Each house  democratically elects a house president, who assists with leading meetings, intake of new residents, and reporting to Stepping Stones staff in the case of an issue. They are trusted servants who have a vested interest in the smooth functioning of the housing environment.

House Rules

Stepping Stones does not believe in a rules based culture or “babysitting” our residents – this would be counter to the principles of personal responsibility taught in recovery. On the other hand, structure allow us to maintain order in our recovery houses and ensures individuals remain safe and respected. Many house rules are determined by the group and are subject to change by democratic vote. Mandatory rules are:

  • Drug and alcohol-free environment (zero-tolerance)
  • Gainfully employed or in school, community service
  • Active 12-step sponsor
  • Attend recovery meetings
  • Avoid intimidating behavior such as threatening or verbal abuse
  • No smoking in the house
  • Maintain respect for others’ property and privacy
  • Keep house and living areas clean and orderly
  • Submit to regular drug testing and breathalyzer
  • Attend all house meetings


Privileges and responsibility are tied to phases of the Stepping Stones program. These phases are tied to milestones as the resident progresses in his/her recovery program.

Level 1: All new residents begin at Level 1 for the first 30 days. The goals are to establish a recovery routine, find a sponsor, establish a home group, and find gainful employment. Residents are not eligible for passes and are subject to a 9pm curfew for this period. Drug testing is more rigorous.

Level 2: At this phase, residents should be progressing in their recovery network and have begun Step work under the guidance of a 12-Step sponsor. Residents have a 11pm curfew and are eligible for passes upon review.

Level 3: In order to reach this phase, a resident must be in good financial standing, be employed, have no disciplinary issues, have a sponsor, a home group, and completed Step work through Step 5. It is expected that Level 3 residents serve as mentors for Level 1 and 2 residents. Additionally, a community service project is required. Past projects have included volunteering at the Salvation Army, AA Intergroup, the Humane Society, and Habitat for Humanity. 

If you are interested in having a Stepping Stones representative visit your organization, please press the “apply now” button below or contact us at 931-639-7191.